Talking Tech With: Navarrow Wright of ‘Black in America 4’ (video)

CNN’s popular documentary series “Black in America” hosted by Soledad O’Brien, generated more buzz for its latest installment than I think I’ve seen for any of the others combined.

‘Black in America 4: The New Promised Land – Silicon Valley’ focused on African-American technology entrepreneurs.  The NewMe Accelerator was highlighted, and eight Black people with tech startups were profiled on their journey to get funding for their projects.  While a lot of controversy surrounded the lack of people of color in this particular industry, one person stood out for his positive advice to the participants.  Navarrow Wright, Chief Technololgy Officer for Interactive One, was one of the advisors for the accelerator program and his catchphrase – “No Wack Demos” – caught the attention of the country.  I had a chance to catch up with Navarrow to talk tech – take a look:



1 Comment

  1. Would love to hear more about your story and how you made the leap from where you are to how you moved into a more technical side of this business!
    A matter of life and tech ROCKS!!!!

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