Oh SnApp! The app that’s changing the world this week (video)

The app in today’s post may or may not make your life easier, but it will certainly go a long way towards trying to make the world a better place.

Earth Hour takes place tomorrow, Saturday March 26th.  From 8:30-9:30 p.m., the World Wildlife Federation is asking all of us to turn everything off – lights, televisions, computers, etc. – and unplug from all of those things that are a drain on the resources of this planet.  But this year, the organizers are asking all of us to go beyond the hour to try to make those small changes in our daily lives to reduce our carbon footprint.  And they’ve made it easy for you!  61+ is an app available for iPhone and Android that helps you be the change you want to see in the world.  There are suggestions for small things you can do, and it tracks those ‘acts’ and allows you to share with friends through social media outlets.  Simple steps like unplugging your phone charger when not in use and washing dishes in the sink can go a long way towards positively impacting climate change on the planet.  Take a look at this video and check out www.earthhour.org for more info.  Let’s all pitch in and do our part!

1 Comment

  1. HA – we wash dishes in the sink already! Did we do our part? Good stuff though we’ll be sure to do more for that hour and make it an everyday part of our lives… (hopefully) 🙂 peace

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